Storage Lab
Chanwith Buntoengpesuchsakul
Chanwith completed the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures programme at Imperial College in 2022. In his MSc thesis he built a detailed bottom-up engineering model to assess the system cost of a novel sodium-zinc battery with solid electrolyte. THe model accounts for the cost of raw materials, purchased components and manufacturing cost.
Theo Costaras
Theo completed the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures programme at Imperial College in 2022. In his MSc thesis he built the first bottom-up engineering model to assess the system cost of a novel sodium-zinc battery with liquid electrolyte. The model provides a high-level assessment of the cost for raw materials, components and manufacturing.
Ross Berridge
Ross completed the MSc Environmental Technologies programme at Imperial College London in 2021. In his MSc thesis he built the first bottom-up engineering model to assess the system cost of a novel sodium-zinc battery with solid electrolyte. The model provides a high-level assessment of the cost for raw materials, components and manufacturing.
Antonis Antioniadis-Gavriil
Antonis completed the MSc Environmental Technologies programme at Imperial College London in 2017. In his MSc thesis he identified differences in environmental impact between the most promising energy storage technologies by performing lifecycle assessment studies.
Chung Ho Chan
Chung Ho completed the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures programme at Imperial College London in 2018. In his MSc thesis he designed a bottom-up engineering model for vanadium redox-flow batteries and investigated the impact of projected technical and value chain innovations on cost and performance.
Dan Gardiner
Dan completed the MSc Environmental Technologies programme Imperial College London in 2017. In his MSc thesis he analysed the attractiveness of providing multiple energy storage services simultaneously in the UK (benefit-stacking) and identified respective policy barriers.
Thomas Le Varlet
Thomas completed the MSc Environmental Technologies programme at Imperial College London in 2017. In his MSc thesis he identified differences in environmental impact between the most promising lithium-ion battery chemistries by performing lifecycle assessment studies.
Alec Macklis
Alec completed the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures programme at Imperial College London in 2017. In his MSc thesis he investigated the economic attractiveness of spatial renewable electricity arbitrage through large-scale transportation of batteries.
Sylvain Melchior
Sylvain completed the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures programme at Imperial College London in 2017. In his MSc thesis he assessed the future profitability of storage technoloiges by projecting their future levelised cost of storage in multiple applications and under various scenarios of cost and performance improvement.
Nathan Murray
Nathan completed the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures programme at Imperial College London in 2017. In his MSc thesis he investigated the impact of possible raw material price developments on the investment cost of different lithium-ion battery types used in electric vehicles.