Storage at 20 USD/MWh? Breaking down the low-cost solar-plus-storage PPAs in the USA
Photo credit: 8minute Solar. Impression of the planned Eland 400 MW solar + storage project in Kern County, California By Florian Mayr,...

Interview Q&A for www.solarninovinky.cz
Q1: According to IDTechEX latest report the global market for stationary batteries (ESS) will top 300GWh by 2029. What are the main...

Summoning the hive – Connecting Britain’s energy system community
Britain is at the forefront of a low-carbon energy system transformation. The amount of electricity coming from low-carbon generators,...

Gravity – the solution to energy storage?
Heindl’s Gravity Storage, which uses the gravitational power of a huge mass of rock to store large amounts of electricity. Lithium-ion...

Rwanda – the cleantech Silicon Valley of Africa?
In February, Grantham PhD student Oliver Schmidt, who is part of the Science and Solutions for a Changing Planet DTP, joined an impact...

En route to Marrakech: From the Atlas mountains to the Atlantic Ocean
Science and Solutions for a Changing Planet DTP student Oliver Schmidt is attending the UN Climate Change conference (COP22) this week....